Meals Program

Snack Shack

Thanks to our amazing parent volunteers, Logan Lake Elementary is able to offer students a hot lunch for purchase twice a week. We offer Pizza on Monday and Nuggets on Friday.


 Parents can place an order for hot lunch online by using

MunchaLunch Logo

Ordering Details:

  • Pay online by credit card (Visa/Mastercard) OR prepay at the school office with cash which will be uploaded to your MunchaLunch account online.
  • Online orders will be taken until 9:30 am the same morning of Snack Shack.
  • If your child is sick and has purchased hot lunch, you will be able to login and see a refund
  • If you need assistance with registering or ordering online please contact Ms. Schrader at 250-523-6215.

 We appreciate your support for our hot lunch program as the funds go towards providing opportunities for our students.

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